Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Metro Employment and Unemployment Summary

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Metropolitan Employment and Unemployment Summary:

Unemployment rates were higher in May than a year earlier in 222 of the 372 metropolitan areas, lower in 141 areas, and unchanged in 9 areas, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Thirteen areas recorded jobless rates of at least 15.0 percent, while 9 areas registered rates below 5.0 percent. The national unemployment rate in May was 9.3 percent, not seasonally adjusted, compared with 9.1 percent a year earlier.

In May, 124 metropolitan areas reported jobless rates of at least 10.0 percent, up from 107 areas a year earlier, while 70 areas posted rates below 7.0 percent, down from 91 areas in May 2009. El Centro, Calif., and Yuma, Ariz., again recorded the highest unemployment rates, 27.5 and 27.2 percent, respectively. Among the 13 areas with jobless rates of at least 15.0 percent, 11 were located in California. Bismarck, N.D., registered the lowest unemployment rate in May, 3.1 percent, followed by Fargo, N.D.-Minn., 3.5 percent, and Grand Forks, N.D.-Minn., 3.8 percent. Overall, 149 areas recorded unemployment rates above the U.S. figure of 9.3 percent, 218 areas reported rates below it, and 5 areas had rates equal to that of the nation.

USA Staffing Services:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So how old is the staffing industry?

From Staffing Industry Analysts' contributor, Jon Osborne, a nice little corporate history lesson:

"'In 1347, plague swept across Europe, killing somewhere between a third to a half of the population. In its wake, it left a labor shortage of unprecedented proportion.

Landlords still had plenty of land, but now they had to compete with each other for labor. Wages went through the roof, the terms of employment gradually began to liberalize and then the unthinkable happened: 'In gaining more power, workers following the Black Death often moved away from annual contracts in favor of taking on successive temporary jobs that offered higher wages,' according to historians Simon A. C. Penn and Christopher Dyer of the University of Birmingham."

USA Staffing Services:
Makes you wonder about what groups (or individuals) saw the opportunity at hand and started recruiting, then supplying, available workers in response to the labor demand of the landlords. Obviously, they must have been an incredibly astute and savvy group!

To start offering your clients a 600 year old service, check out our Web site:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

ASA Monthly Report - June 2010

ASA Monthly Report:
June 2010

Staffing employment in June is 25% higher than in the same month last year, according to the ASA Staffing Index. The index for June is 90, up one point from 89 for May, suggesting that staffing employment has increased about 1% over the past month. With the exception of the payroll periods that included the Easter holiday and Memorial Day holiday, staffing employment has shown steady growth over the past 18 weeks.

USA Staffing Services:

One step at a time.

ASA Weekly Report - June 7-13, 2010

ASA Weekly Report:
June 7–13, 2010

During the week of June 7–13, 2010, temporary and contract employment increased 1.96%, pushing the index up one point to a value of 90.

At a current index value of 90, U.S. staffing employment is 30% higher than the level reported for the first week of the current year and is 25% higher than the same weekly period in 2009.

USA Staffing Services:

Going in the right direction!

Friday, June 25, 2010

So how many staffing firms are there?

Staffing Industry Analysts contributor, Jon Osborne, took some time to publish this interesting data.

In 2002, there were an estimated 9,124 staffing firms.

In 2007, there were an estimated 10,600 staffing firms.

Currently, there are an estimated 8,500 staffing firms.

These figures would represent "the lowest numbers since the 1990s."

USA Staffing Services:
So, if you are one of the survivors ... Congrats! Looks like you have a bright future: Increased market share (less competition) in a growing market. Well played.

Check out our Web site to see how we can assist you as you move forward.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


(Fortune Magazine) -- If you're like most senior company loyalists, the word "temp" probably brings to mind certain corporate characters. The receptionist who's always updating his Facebook page. The coder who spends more time on job search algorithms than on optimizing your site. The contract manager who never gets that her suit looks odd in your laid-back culture.

But in today's brutal job market, temporary is no longer the sole domain of secretaries and IT guys; it's both a thriving sub-industry for executives and a legitimate way to expand your skills. Jon Osborne, VP of research at Staffing Industry Analysts, estimates that the market for contingent management jobs will grow 90% over the next decade, to $26.6 billion; Littler Mendelson, the giant employment-law firm, forecasts that as much as 50% of all hiring in 2010 will be for contingent positions.

See complete article here.

USA Staffing Services:
These indicators seem to be confirmed by our Authorized Dealers who focus on executive-level placements. More and more of their clients are seeking contingent/temporary employees ... even at the highest levels of managment.

While it can be difficult, and very expensive, for a small- or medium-sized staffing firm to supply such high level contingent employees, the Authorized Dealers of USA Staffing Services are able to successfully maneuver around those obstacles and, as a result, strengthen their relationships with these clients.

As always, regardless of location or duty, USA Staffing Services can effectively and completely facilitate the flow of service between you and your clients.

Please visit our website for more details:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 out of 10 U.S. employees will be TEMPS!

NEW YORK ( -- Jobs may be coming back, but they aren't the same ones workers were used to.

Many of the jobs employers are adding are temporary or contract positions, rather than traditional full-time jobs with benefits. With unemployment remaining near 10%, employers have their pick of workers willing to accept less secure positions.

In 2005, the government estimated that 31% of U.S. workers were already so-called contingent workers. Experts say that number could increase to 40% or more in the next 10 years.

See complete article here.

USA Staffing Services:
So the number of contingent workers is going to increase by almost a third? That's great news ... if your staffing firm has contingent staffing capabilities!

After spending five years building our first company, Superior Business Staffing, my partners and I had ample opportunity to learn firsthand all the pitfalls of contingent staffing from the owners' perspective. Most notably? The sheer amount of time, energy, and money required to offer a client even the most basic contingent recruiting service.

One reason that was so frustrating was it significantly reduced the amount of time/energy/money spent developing new clients/candidates, the very aspects of our business that actually made us profitable!

Another reason was, time and again, the mammoth employment agencies -- there's no need to name names here; you know who they are -- would place contingent workers with "our clients" because we didn't have the capabilities to do that. (Insurance, payroll, and the rest.)

USA Staffing Services was designed to help companies like Superior Business Staffing: smaller firms that haven't been able to place temps and have been losing money when a client asks for that service.

The bottom line? USA Staffing Services can make a big difference in your bottom line.

Forty percent temps? That's a target rich environment but you have to have the right ammunition.

Check out our website for more details: